List of the German soldiers - help

List of burials in Anloy Cemetary Belgium


Hi. I am trying to find a list of the German soldiers from the first World War that are buried in Anloy Cemetary in Belgium. PLease can someone help. Thank you Tim.
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Translation / Překlad:

snažím se najít seznam německých vojáků z první světové války, kteří jsou pohřbeni na hřbitově Anloy v Belgii. Prosím o pomoc. Děkuji, Tim.
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Hi Tim,
we do not have this listing available here (only basic info about this cemetery here


but you may try your luck here

I do not think the cemetery is listed there (at least I can't find it under this name), but the comunity seems to be strong and you may ask, if there is someone near this cemetery to go and photo the book with the names of dead soldiers for you (if there is one).

Very limited list is to be seen here
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