Present: czskorpion & question about Czech tank collector

Hello, my name is Raymond from the Netherlands and I am interested in Czech arms and army materials. I am completely new on this forum and I do not speak the Czech language. So if I read the items i use a translation to English with google translate, which isn't alwas very handy Wink

Also I have a question : i visited Czech and Slowak Republik many times in the 90's and begin 2000's. Once, in 1999 I found a privat tank collector on my road. This man collected tanks, army vehicles, old Skoda work vehicles and had a small private museum with army weapons. I was together with a friend and we were able to sit in the T82 tanks and make pictures etc. etc. very friendly!

Already for a few years, I was thinking to go back to this museum / collector to visit but I really don't know anymore where this should be (i visited many cities at different years in Czech & Slovak).

Are there people at this forum to help me out? Maybe I can post some pictures, and people could recognize where it was? Thank you very much in advance,
Best regards,

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Probably you are Referring to the collection of Mr. Koch. As far as I know, this technique since 1997 is part of an exhibition Rokycany Museum:

Muzeum na demarkační linii (Museum on the demarcation line)
Šťáhlavská 1284, Rokycany, CZ-33701

N 49°43'37.398", E 013°35'11.404"

P. S.
T-72 tanks not in private hands.
Sorry, I do not speak English, so I used an electronic translator.
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Thank you very mucch, this is indeed 100% the same place! I compared the pictures with the pictures from the website. It has been changed during the years but som building parts / lapms etc. are the same.

Great job! I have to plan a trip back I suppose ....
Best regards,

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Shall you need any more assistance, don't hessitate to post any pictures or questions, we will help you Smile english language is not a problem. Please note you can use this website with instead of to see the english enviroment, buttons etc, might be easier for you to navigate and use our site Smile most of the navigation has been translated, most of the content is still waiting to be translated Smile, but you can use the automatic translation at least to see the basics.
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OK thanks for the link which I use now!

I will scan the pics later and post them in the forum, but i am sure it is the right place ...
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