T-72M4 - question


Hi everybody

I need information referring to the ATTILA and ARES gunners sytem….technical data

wich of these sytems has been installed on the T-72M4 CZ?

URL : https://www.valka.cz/T-72M4-question-t43832#173199 Verze : 0
Just a translation :

potrebuju technicke informace o systemech ATTILA a ARES, a ktery z techto systemu byl pouzit na T-72M4 CZ ?

will translate back as soon as some of our colleagues anwers your question Smile
URL : https://www.valka.cz/T-72M4-question-t43832#173369 Verze : 0
one is for the gunner, the other one (ATTILA) for the commander
URL : https://www.valka.cz/T-72M4-question-t43832#173378 Verze : 0
Thank you!!!

Please, Recommend me a good English-Czech-English translator online .-)


I am interested in different versions and modernizations of the T-72 because it is already necessary to replace our old T-55A

T-72M4 CZ looks great!!

- -

I am confused respect to ARES and ATTILA, both are part of the same system for the gunner or are different products?

If those are different systems o products ...... wich one its installed on the M4 CZ?

URL : https://www.valka.cz/T-72M4-question-t43832#173379 Verze : 0
there isnt any, as czech language is "not linear" - cannot be easily translated into other languages Sad the online translators will give u usually quite messy results, as we use quite a lot of synonyms, the sentences translated do not give sense ... we are having good fun reading for example automaticly translated wikipaedia pages, as those are realy non making sense funnies Smile
URL : https://www.valka.cz/T-72M4-question-t43832#173380 Verze : 0
but let us know, what do you need to know, we might help you !

Did you have a look on our forum focused on this MBT ?

URL : https://www.valka.cz/T-72M4-question-t43832#173381 Verze : 0

Citace :

there isnt any, as czech language is "not linear" - cannot be easily translated into other languages the online translators will give u usually quite messy results, as we use quite a lot of synonyms, the sentences translated do not give sense ... we are having good fun reading for example automaticly translated wikipaedia pages, as those are realy non making sense funnies

oh...i see Sad , i few days ago i tried with an online translator......the result: totally crap.

Citace :

but let us know, what do you need to know, we might help you !

Did you have a look on our forum focused on this MBT ?


yes!!, thank you for the pictures martin, Medwed and kaufi.....

i can understand many of the technical data, for example

Citace :

Kanón: 2A46M ráže 125mm

2A46M??............The improvements did not contemplate more actual versions like 2A46M-2, -4 or -5?

wich are the APFSDS and HEAT ammunitions available?

URL : https://www.valka.cz/T-72M4-question-t43832#173390 Verze : 0
BM-15 its a nice round, better than the infamious BM-17....its more than enough to destroy AMX-30, Leo1V but not to kill a leo2A4.

URL : https://www.valka.cz/T-72M4-question-t43832#173429 Verze : 0
Hi charliebravo. check forum T-72M4 CZ
I added new viewes of the interiour
Especially GVU a CVU
URL : https://www.valka.cz/T-72M4-question-t43832#173695 Verze : 0
Já netvrdím, že neviděl Laughing , jen píšu, ať se tam koukne, protože jsem doplnil nové fotky toho, co ho zajímá Laughing
BTW můžeš i ty Laughing
URL : https://www.valka.cz/T-72M4-question-t43832#173760 Verze : 0
Dymová clona super.... vôbec nezávidím divákom...
URL : https://www.valka.cz/T-72M4-question-t43832#173763 Verze : 0
Thank you to everybody.....i would like to speak Czech. Wink Wink

My country need to replace our old T-55s , its why im looking for diverse options ti upgrade T-72 (we cannot pay for brand new MBTs).

T-72M4 CZ looks spectacular, but the information about the TURMS-T and DYNA is very little, that why im visiting this forum ........

In addition I am looking for some data of the T-55, because I am making an investigation, I have the manuals (in Spanish&Russian), the bibliography is extensive, inclusively I have obtained ballistic tables of BR412, but even so it is difficult found data like the EFC of the D-10 and most of this weapon’s engineering data.

If someone speaks Spanish visit this forum www.perudefensa.com my nick there is "Charlie".

URL : https://www.valka.cz/T-72M4-question-t43832#174104 Verze : 0
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