Infanterieregiment Nr.80

Hello! These Latin words: Decurio co. reg. ped. N.80 are presented with the birth certificate of the year 1906 alongside the name of the child's godfather. The birth certificate was issued by a Roman Catholic priest in the city of Zolochiv (Galicia). Zolochiv is located now in the Lviv Oblast (province) of the western Ukraine. It would be great if you could provide the German or the English equivalent of the "decurio" rank. I presume the rest stands for cohortis regimenti pedestris n° 80 (Infanterieregiment Wilhelm Ernst Großherzog von Sachsen-Weimar-Eisenach, Herzog zu Sachsen Nr.80). I will appreciate if a kind person provides details on the history of the regiment mentioned or (at least) provide some links or book titles. Have a nice day!

P.S. I am sorry this message is not in Czech but I cannot write in this language but I understand when I read it.

Jaromir from Poland.
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you can try this article...
decurio should be korporal - desiatnik (I think)
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Hello Iver, thank you for the information. I have been recently informed that according to the Frankfurter Hauptfriedhof Kleines Lateinlexikon, a decurio is a Korporal (Unteroffizier).
You can visit this site: - it is really a treasure.. unfortunately, some pages are corrupted and there are only a few books of this kind presented. I would like to get to know the detailed history of the Infanterieregiment Nr.80 and I am trying to find out the regiment my great grandfather served in. I know he was a Zugsführer wearing the Crown Jubilee Medal of 1898. Can you tell me, please how I can determine this information? Does someone has got an access to the proper books?
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