Bratr mojí babičky za druhé světové války


A do třetice moje poslední prosba-dotaz na odborníky. Bratr mojí babičky, Anton Nowak padl jako voják ve 2.světové válce. Tohle je jediná jeho fotka, kterou máme. Šlo by z ní určit u čeho sloužil? Vřelé díky všem, kteří se mi budou snažit k mým třem dotazům pomoci!
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As I see he was a Luftwaffe Ground Forces infantry soldier but his uniform is very interesting...

Anyway you should make a try here:

The reply may take a few months, sometimes 6 or more.

Best wishes!
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thanks for your answer.
Today i have found this website:
cementery: Greifenstein-Elgershausen. Germany (Hessen)
grave: 81
rank: Obergefreiter
+ 1945
why he dead in Hessen????
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I am glad you received a positive answer!

You write "cemetery". I think in this case that means he is buried there, that is not the place of death. But if it is the pleace of death that won't make me wonder as well, because he could be easily ordered to move anywhere together with his unit.

Anyway as I see he has an insignia on his left upper arm and even the left shoulderboard is in a good degree to be seen too. Can you make a closeup photoshot of that area? Place a strong magnifyer glass just before the lens of your camera and shoot if it is the largest with the best focus under proper light! That may decide his rank and confirm the Volksbund's info.


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Foto (4x5 cm !) - Detail
Bratr mojí babičky za druhé světové války - detail 01

detail 01
Bratr mojí babičky za druhé světové války - Detail 02

Detail 02
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On his collar tab I observe only one eagle. That means that the photo had been taken when he still was only a private, maybe during the early periode of the war - this is probably why he is wearing an M35 Fliegerbluse and maybe his helmet is an M35 too (I can't see 100% sure if the edge is curved back or not). Or he became a posthumus Obergefreiter - even that is possible.

My personal opinion is that he is guarding a field airport, or an other Luftwaffe establishment in the picture. See the fence!

Anyway I was wrong, there is no insignia on his left upper arm... Sorry!
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Thank you very much !!!!
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Na této fotografii je můj prastrýc Anton Nowak, narozený 1903 ve Vídni. Zápis o jeho pohřbení jsem našel na www.volksbundde. Zemřel 19. 1. 1946 (předpokládám, že na následky zranění) až 19. 1. 1946 ve Waldhof-Elgershausen. Pochován je v Greifenstein-Elgershausen, hrob č. 81 /mezi Bonnem a Frankfurtem/. Jeho hodnost je označena: Obergefreiter. Zajímalo by mě, proč asi zemřel v Hessensku. Předpokládám, že to byl již boj s anglo-americkými jednotkami. Děkuji za každý názor.
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The US divisions were fighting in Hessen btw. late March - early April 1945.
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