Cooper, Kenneth Christie

Given Name:
Kenneth ChristieKenneth Christie
Jméno v originále:
Original Name:
Kenneth Christie Cooper
Fotografie či obrázek:
Photograph or Picture:
generálmajorMajor General
Akademický či vědecký titul:
Academic or Scientific Title:
Šlechtický titul:
Hereditary Title:
Datum, místo narození:
Date and Place of Birth:
18.10.1905 Cardiff / 18.10.1905 Cardiff /
Datum, místo úmrtí:
Date and Place of Decease:
04.09.1981 Salisbury 04.09.1981 Salisbury
Nejvýznamnější funkce:
(maximálně tři)
Most Important Appointments:
(up to three)
- velitel: 7. obrněné divize- Commander: 7th Armoured Division
Jiné významné skutečnosti:
(maximálně tři)
Other Notable Facts:
(up to three)
Související články:
Related Articles:
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Given Name:
Kenneth ChristieKenneth Christie
Jméno v originále:
Original Name:
Kenneth Christie Cooper
Všeobecné vzdělání:
General Education:
DD.MM.RRRR-DD.MM.RRRR Berkhampsted SchoolDD.MM.RRRR-DD.MM.RRRR Berkhampsted School
Vojenské vzdělání:
Military Education:
DD.MM.RRRR-DD.MM.1952 Imperiálni obranná kolejDD.MM.RRRR-DD.MM.1952 Imperial Defence College
Důstojnické hodnosti:
Officer Ranks:
16.01.1924 druhý poručík
02.10.1927 poručík
15.10.1941 podplukovník (zastupující)
15.01.1942 podplukovník (dočasný)
23.10.1943 plukovník (zastupující)
23.10.1943 brigadýr (zastupující)
23.04.1944 podplukovník (válečný)
23.04.1944 plukovník (dočasný)
23.04.1944 brigadýr (dočasný)
10.06.1948 podplukovník
10.03.1949 plukovník
18.10.1953 brigadýr
28.11.1953 generálmajor (místní)
01.12.1953 generálmajor (dočasný)
12.01.1955 generálmajor
16.01.1924 Second Lieutenant
02.10.1927 Lieutenant
15.10.1941 Lieutenant Colonel (Acting)
15.01.1942 Lieutenant Colonel (Temporary)
23.10.1943 Colonel (Acting)
23.10.1943 Brigadier (Acting)
23.04.1944 Lieutenant Colonel (War Substantive)
23.04.1944 Colonel (Temporary)
23.04.1944 Brigadier (Temporary)
10.06.1948 Lieutenant Colonel
10.03.1949 Colonel
18.10.1953 Brigadier
28.11.1953 Major General (Local)
01.12.1953 Major General (Temporary)
12.01.1955 Major General
Průběh vojenské služby:
Military Career:
- služobné číslo: 27871 - Service Number: 27871
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Major General Kenneth Christie Cooper was born at Cardiff on 18.10.1905.

He received his first education at Berkhamsted School and first commission on 16.01.1924 to Royal Corps of Signals, 53rd (Welsh) Division (The Gazette 32901). From this unit he is attached 1927 as Lieutenant to Royal Tank Corps (The Gazette 33308).

After the outbreak of WWII, from October 1941, he commanded the Fife and Forfar Yeomanry for a year as acting Lieutenant-Colonel, after this assignment he was appointed as a staff officer (GSO 1) at the IX Corps, which was at that time located in North Africa (Generals).

One year after that, in October 1943, he is appointed Brigadier of the General Staff of the Allied Forces in North Africa and Italy. During this period he is awarded with the OBE (The Gazette 36180).

Next assignment is as a Commanding Officer of the 7th Armoured Brigade, and he commands this unit at the end of the war, until 1947. On 11 December 1945, he received the DSO for his service during the war in Italy (The Gazette 37386).

In 1947 he is appointed as a Brigadier of Royal Armoured Corps, Northern Command and from 1949 as a Chief of Staff of the West African Command, and this position he held until November 1952.

In February of the following year, he became Assistant commandant of the Staff College in Camberley and held this office until October 1953.

In December of the same year, he returns to the combat units and is placed in charge (GOC) of the 7th Armoured Division, a position which he holds until March 1956. During this period, on 09.06.1955 he receives another award in the form of CB (The Gazette 40497).

From March 1956, he returned to staff positions and was appointed as a Chief of Staff of the Allied Forces in Northern Europe.

14.11.1959 he retires and settled at West End House, Donhead St Andrew in Wiltshire (The Peerage).

Major General Cooper and his wife Mary Harding Newman were the parents of Major General Sir Simon Cooper (The Peerage).

He dies 09.04.1981 at Salisbury.

Generals, Cooper, Kenneth Christie [online] [Accessed 09 March 2024]
The London Gazette (Supplement), 25 January 1924, p. 775 [online] [Accessed 09 March 2024]
The London Gazette (Supplement), 2 September 1927, p. 5676 [online] [Accessed 09 March 2024]
The London Gazette (Supplement), 21 September 1943, p. 4213 [online] [Accessed 09 March 2024]
The London Gazette (Supplement), 11 December 1945, p. 6073 [online] [Accessed 09 March 2024]
The London Gazette (Supplement), 3 June 1955, p. 3259 [online] [Accessed 09 March 2024]
The Peerage, Maj.-Gen. Kenneth Christie Cooper, [online] [Accessed 09 March 2024]
Wikipedia, Kenneth Cooper (British Army officer), [online] [Accessed 09 March 2024]
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Generálmajor Kenneth Christie Cooper sa narodil vo Waleskom Cardiffe 18.10.1905.

Svoje vzdelanie získal na Berkhamsted škole a pos končení ktorej náseledne získava svoje prvé zaradenie 16.01.1924 ku Královskému spojovacemu zboru, 53. pešej divízie (Royal Corps of Signals, 53rd (Welsh) Division) (The Gazette 32901). Následne potom v roku 1927, je preradený ako pručík ku Královskému tankovému zboru (Royal Tank Corps) (The Gazette 33308).

Po vypuknutí vojny od októbra 1941 velí rok ako zastupujúci podplukovník Fifskému a forfarskemu jezdeckému miličnímu pluku (Fife and Forfar Yeomanry), následne je ustanovený ako štábny dôstojník (GSO 1) u IX zboru, ktorý sa v tom čase nachádza v severnej Afrike (Generals).

Po uplznutí ďalšieho roku, v októbry 1943 je mu zverená funkcia brigadiera generálneho štábu spojeneckých sil v severnej Afrike a Itálii a 23.12.1943 je ocenený s OBE (The Gazette 36180).

Z tejto funkcieje následne odchádza a je postevný do čela 7. obrnenej brigády, pričom tejto jednotke velí do skončenia vojnového konfliktu a až do roku 1947. 11.12.1945 dostáva za svoju službu počas vojny na Itálských bojových poliach DSO (The Gazette 37386).

V 1947 je ustanovený ako brigadier Královského obrneného zboru, Severné velitelstvo (Royal Armoured Corps, Northern Command) a od 1949 je menovaný náčelníkom štábu Západoafrického velitelstva (West African Command), pričom túto pozíciu zastáva do novembra 1952.

Vo februári nasledovného roku sa stáva asistentom velitela Štábneho kolégia v Camberley a tento úrad drží do októbra 1953.

V decembri toho istého roku sa znovu vracia k bojovým jednotkám a je postavený do čela ako velitel (GOC) 7. obrnenej divízie a úrad zastáva do marca 1956. Počas tohto obdobia, 09.06.1955 dostáva ďalšie ocenenie fo forme CB (The Gazette 40497).

Od marca 1956 sa vracia ku štábnym pozícíám a je menovaný náčelníkom štábu Spojeneckých sil v severnej Europe a úrad zastáva do marca 1959 pričom yakrátko po jeho opustení, 14.11.1959 odchádza do výslužby. Po odchode do výslužby sa usadil v West End House, Donhead St Andrew vo Wiltshire (The Peerage).

Generálmajor Cooper spolus jeho ženou Mary Harding‑Newman boli rodičia generálmajora Sir Simon Cooper (The Peerage).

04.09.1981 umiera v Salisbury.

Generals, Cooper, Kenneth Christie [online] [Accessed 09 March 2024]
The London Gazette (Supplement), 25 January 1924, p. 775 [online] [Accessed 09 March 2024]
The London Gazette (Supplement), 2 September 1927, p. 5676 [online] [Accessed 09 March 2024]
The London Gazette (Supplement), 21 September 1943, p. 4213 [online] [Accessed 09 March 2024]
The London Gazette (Supplement), 11 December 1945, p. 6073 [online] [Accessed 09 March 2024]
The London Gazette (Supplement), 3 June 1955, p. 3259 [online] [Accessed 09 March 2024]
The Peerage, Maj.-Gen. Kenneth Christie Cooper, [online] [Accessed 09 March 2024]
Wikipedia, Kenneth Cooper (British Army officer), [online] [Accessed 09 March 2024]
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