Dalbergs, Arturs

General Arturs DĀLBERGS (L.k.o.k.) (18 Jul 1896 - 16 Oct 1941)
Served in the Russian Army, and after release from German captivity joined the Latvian Army on Dec 14, 1918 as a 1st Lieutenant. Deported by the Russians in 1941, he was tried and executed in Moscow.

14 Dec 1918 - 1921: Attached to various units
(Dec 1919: Promoted to Captain)
1921 - 1927: Attached to the Army Intendant’s Department
(1927: Promoted to Lieutenant-Colonel)
1927 - 1933: Engineer, Armaments Department
1933 - 1935: Chief of Technical Service, Supply Department
(1935: Promoted to Colonel)
1935 - Jul 1938: Chief of Military Economics Section, General Staff
Jul 1938 - 27 Sep 1940: Chief of the Army Supply Department
(Jul 1940: Promoted to General)

Principal Sources:
Lāčplēša Kara Ordeņa Kavalieri, published by Latvijas Valsts Vēstures Arhīvs
Latvijas Armijas Augstākie Virsnieki, published by Latvijas Valsts Vēstures Arhīvs
Latvijas Bruņotie Spēki, by Edgars Andersons
The Armed Forces of Latvia 1918 - 1940, by Andris J. Kursietis
URL : https://www.valka.cz/Dalbergs-Arturs-t64744#230876 Verze : 0
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