Dambitis, Roberts

General Roberts DAMBĪTIS (L.k.o.k.) (2 May 1881 - 27 Mar 1957)
After service in the Russian Army, joined the Latvian Army in November 1918 as a Lieutenant-Colonel. After the German occupation of Latvia in 1941, arrested and sent to Sachsenhausen Concentration Camp. Returned to Latvia after World War II, where he later died.

22 Nov 1918 - 6 Dec 1918: Minister of War
6 Dec 1918 - Aug 1919: Deputy Minister of Defense, Chief Army Intendant
Aug 1919 - Jun 1920: Chief of Supply, Liepāja Military District
(Apr 1920: Promoted to Colonel)
Jun 1920 - 1921: Chief of the Army Economic Department
1921 - 1924: Member of Military Council, Ministry of War
1924 - 1929: Attached to the General Staff
1929 - 1933: Chief of Mobilization Section, Army Intendant’s Department
1933 - 1935: Chief Intendant, Supply Department
(1935: Promoted to General)
1935 - Jun 1939: Deputy Chief of the General Staff
Jun 1939: Retired
18 Jun 1940 - 27 Sep 1940: Recalled, Minister of War

Principal Sources:
Lāčplēša Kara Ordeņa Kavalieri, published by Latvijas Valsts Vēstures Arhīvs
Latvijas Armijas Augstākie Virsnieki , published by Latvijas Valsts Vēstures Arhīvs
Latvijas Bruņotie Spēki, by Edgars Andersons
The Armed Forces of Latvia 1918 - 1940, by Andris J. Kursietis
URL : https://www.valka.cz/Dambitis-Roberts-t64745#230877 Verze : 0
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