Kurelis, Janis

General Jānis KURELIS (L.k.o.k.) (6 May 1882 - 5 Dec 1954)
Served in the Russian forces as commander of the 5. Zemgale Rifle Regiment and later as Commander, Imanta Regiment before joining the Latvian Army as Colonel in November 1919. After the German occupation of Latvia in 1941, he led an ad hoc military group in Kurzeme until falling foul of the German authorities. Kurelis was arrested and sent to East Prussia, while some of his officers executed. After the war he moved to the USA where he later died.

Nov 1919 - Apr 1921: Chief of Organization Section, General Staff
Aug 1920 - Oct 1921: Member of the Military Council, Ministry of Defense
Oct 1921 - Feb 1922: Deputy Chief of the Army Technical Department
Feb 1922 - May 1940: Commanding General, Technical Division
(1925: Promoted to General)
May 1940: Retired

Principal Sources:
Lāčplēša Kara Ordeņa Kavalieri, published by Latvijas Valsts Vēstures Arhīvs
Latvijas Armijas Augstākie Virsnieki, published by Latvijas Valsts Vēstures Arhīvs
Latvijas Bruņotie Spēki, by Edgars Andersons
The Armed Forces of Latvia 1918 - 1940, by Andris J. Kursietis
URL : https://www.valka.cz/Kurelis-Janis-t64773#230937 Verze : 0
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